Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Why I Love Wacko Conservatives -- Consider Elena Kagan

The conservative argument against the confirmation of Solicitor General Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court goes something like this:

1. She hasn't done anything.

2. What little she has done was all wrong in every way that something can be wrong.

3. She hates the military.

4. If she objects to the characterization in no. 3, she's a liar.

Look here, here, and here, too.

5. Finally, they say she's ugly.


  1. This blog is why I love whacko liberals. Once again you have intentionally distorted conservatives' position on an issue so as to set up another straw man argument to attack. Let me assure the liberals who read this blog, as they are presented here, points 1-5 are NOT true.

    Liberal whackos submit summaries like this one and try to pass it off as off as political analysis. This may get traction in the echo chambers of university faculty lounges and Berkeley coffee houses but in the real world we require more facts and less anecdotal hysteria from left wing whacko websites.

    I think we should follow the lead of liberals when conservative nominees are going through confirmation hearings. Maybe we could research the video rental history of the nominee and have discussions about pubic hair on Coke cans. Or maybe when can insult the nominee's mother and make her cry. How about going to the senate floor and announcing that the nominee was going to return us to the days of segregated lunch counters and force women into having back-alley abortions? Or vote against the nominee because they were arrogant. The mere fact that the verb "Bork" is part of our political vocabulary pretty much sums up the left's behavior when it comes to senate confirmation protocol.

    The best news about these confirmation hearings is that liberal moron Joe Biden isn't part of them anymore.

    Seeing as I get at least half of my information from Fox News, I get to hear both sides of the argument from people on opposing sides (see previous echo chamber comment). In the world of rational discussion, we don't hear the erroneous claims made in points 1-5. In this format, reasonable objections about Kagan are brought up and discussed and then the opposing side of the argument is heard. It is a shame the left has no place to hear balanced discussions such as these.

    The left crawled up Sarah Palin's colon with a microscope and scrutinized her like no other I've ever seen. She has been treated with nothing but scorn, contempt, and derision. We were told that this was necessary because she was running for Vice-President and that as a result of this anal probe, the whacko left concluded:

    1. She hasn't done anything.

    2. What little she has done was all wrong in every way that something can be wrong.

    3. She has no military or foreign policy experience.

    4. If she objects to the characterization in no. 3, she's a liar.

    I tried to find some "look here" links but when I googled "Sarah Palin negative articles" there were 1.3 million hits. Too much work.

    5. Finally, her physical appearance was an issue from the first day and currently remains a talking point.

    So it appears to me that you looked at how you treated Sarah Palin, erroneously claimed that is what conservatives did to Kagan with your FICTITIOUS list, and wrongly accused conservatives of behaving like liberals. I sensed from the tone of the blog that you think this type of behavior is wrong so on behalf of Sarah Palin and all conservatives, I accept your apology.

    Since I'm here, I can't resist. Do you recall how much you liberals hated General Petraeus when he was successfully implementing George Bush's troop surge? You remember, "General Betray Us." Hillary scolding him in senate hearings and basically calling him a liar. How hard is it for you and the rest of the whackos on the left to have to pretend you like him now? I know it hurts. Admit it.

  2. "Conservative Whackos" ≠ all conservatives. Sure, there are some responsible conservatives concerned with her views, but the responsible ones don't consider her unqualified unless their rabid base back home insists upon it. For me, "conservative whackos" (henceforth "CWs") are Lumbaugh, Beck, Hannity, Levin and other foam-at-the-mouth leaders of the CW movement along with the entire Tea Party. (I especially like the Tea Party candidate in Nevada who insists that people should use their Second Amendment rights if Congress doesn't shape up.)

    Palin was not qualified to command the nuclear arsenal of the United States of America and I guess she agreed insofar as she decided that she couldn't handle governing Alaska. Alaska!!! Kinda' like quitting a job as president of a high school student council. I guess there was too much heat in that kitchen even up there in the frozen north. Someone must've showed her the $$$. Talk about a "Green" Movement!!!

    Also, Palin was complimented on all sides for her beauty. Of course, the CWs went further and still do, like boys in puberty, by calling her "hot" and suggesting that this contributes to her qualifications. (Why not Obama, then?) Kagan, by comparison, is called ugly and compared to a "linebacker" in the overall effort to denigrate her and her nomination to the Supreme Court. God knows what the CWs would have done with Lincoln: Hot he was not.

  3. Did you edit your original blog about Confederate History Month?
