As you probably know, there are some sayings in other languages that, when translated literally, lose their intended meaning.
Here, in the USA, when we are confronted by some irrelevant piece of info in the midst of a discussion, those of us middle-aged and older might ask, "Dude, what's that got to do with the price of tea in China?" Those who are younger might insist, "Dude, that is soooo random."
In some Spanish-speaking countries, people respond to irrelevant info with, "Yo tengo una tía que toca la guitarra."
It literally translates as, "I have an aunt who plays the guitar."
But what is means is, "Dude, you want random? I got random."
(You may feel, if you've read this far, that this blog entry seems random to you. Well, it is an eclectic mix of things here, right? The eclectics of the world do seem distracted by tangents.)
I love this one!