Here's the list of the ideas and efforts that Conser- vatives have gotten all wrong throughout the ages. Not in any particular order.
Heliocentric galaxy
Child labor laws
Women's right to vote
The American Revolution (conservatives were loyal to King George)
Interracial marriage
The Inquisition
Translating the Bible into common vernaculars
Role of women in . . . just about anything
Environmental regulations of industry
National Parks
. . . and these are just off the top of my head! Add to the list!
they think that gay people will brainwash everyone and ruin the innocence of our children. because it's obviously a cult.
ReplyDeleteyou can just shorten that to "gay rights"
Did you just choose these issues randomly out of a hat? This is just more "if you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes true" liberal propaganda. Kind of like conservatives "think that gay people will brainwash everyone and ruin the innocence of our children." Of course, that isn't what conservatives believe but it has become one of the liberal mantras chanted by lemmings that get their political information from Bill Maher and Jon Stewart.
ReplyDeleteSo, the list. The "Conservative Wrongheadedness" list. Wow, those conservatives are really bad people. I mean, how could they be on the wrong side of so many issues? Well, that is because it isn't true. Take women's suffrage. Republicans, and let me digress. Conservatives have always lined up with the Republicans in spite of your whole "Southern Democrats from the 50's were really conservatives" theory. So for the sake of this analysis, Republicans equal conservatives. And Republicans have always been at the forefront of women's issues as they were the first major U.S. political party to promote and defend the rights of women, including the right to equal pay for equal work.
At the Republican National Convention in 1872, a resolution was passed supporting admission of women "to wider fields of usefulness." Also, they included a declaration that "the honest demand of this class of citizens for additional rights should be treated with respectful consideration." At the Republican National Convention in 1892, women delegates were seated for the first time and a woman gave an address to the delegates.
Around 1878, the person who introduced the 19th Amendment, also known as the Susan B. Anthony Amendment, was A. A. Sargent, a Republican senator from California. It was defeated by the Democratically controlled senate - four times. When the Republicans took control of the congress in 1919, the amendment finally passed and then quickly passed in the House.
The 19th Amendment went to the states for ratification where 26 of 27 states with Republican legislatures passed it. In all, 36 states voted for ratification, 26 of which were controlled by Republican legislatures. 9 states voted it down and 8 of the 9 states that voted down the amendment were controlled by Democratic legislatures. Tennessee was the last state to ratify and the tie breaking vote was cast by a 24 year old Republican who was chased out of the building by Democrats because of his vote.
So lets do the math. 45 states voted. 26 out of 27 Republican controlled legislatures voted for passage (96%). 10 out of 18 Democratic controlled state legislatures voted for passage (55%). The amendment was started by and sent to the states by a Republican controlled congress after being previously blocked by the Democratic controlled congress. So in the bizarro world of liberals, this puts conservatives on the "wrongheadedness list." You gotta love liberal logic.
One has to wonder why you left off civil rights for blacks on your list. Conservatives are notoriously famous bigots and racists, aren't they? Well I think it was deliberately left off because it happened in the last 50 years and is more easily checked than heliocentric galaxy or the Inquisition. And people could easily remember that it was Democratic icons like William Fulbright and Al Gore Sr. who tried to block passage of the Voting Rights Act and Civil Rights Act and that conservative Republicans saved the day.
But slavery?????? Have you read a history book? The Republican Party was started over slavery. Was the Republican Party all liberals back then? You need to go to Disneyland and try to peddle this crap because this could only sell in Fantasyland. Maybe Tinkerbell is buying.
Maybe you should rename this list "Liberal Myths and Urban Legends." You are beginning to sound more like a conspiracy theorist. Those evil conservatives are behind the plot to thwart all the benevolent goodness promoted by liberals. Sorry, progressives.
Republicans have not always been conservatives. Dems not always liberal. But conservatives have nearly (and I say "nearly" just to hedge my bets) always been wrong on the major issues facing humanity like those in my list. It wasn't liberals who supported slavery and kept women in the home to tidy up after men. Conservatives "conserve" everything except the environment. Liberals call for change. Oddly, Martin Luther King, Jr., was conservative in a lot of ways that "conservatives" couldn't appreciate: His mode of dress; his mode of speaking; his dependence upon the Bible's traditional values. Liberals may or may not be Dems or Repubs, but they are always the ones calling for "liberation" from the "business as usual" approach to the world that conservatives "conserve." So whether a person is Dem or Republican, if he supported a woman's right to vote he was, at least on that issue, a liberal and most likely a liberal overall.
ReplyDeleteToday's Beck/Palin conservatives would have called Lincoln a "RINO" over his opposition to slavery.