Thursday, May 27, 2010

The End for Palin is Near -- Not a Moment Too Soon

See Timothy Egan's piece here.


  1. That's it. The fat lady is singing. Tim Egan has completely captured all the signs signaling the imminent demise of Sarah Palin.

    That Sarah Palin sure is a scary lady. She needs to be stopped. The way she is running around the country taking over the car industry and banks, nationalizing health care against the wishes of the people, cramming trillion dollar stimulus bills down our throats, quadrupling the deficit, scaring people about the Arizona immigration law, and sitting on her hands while millions of gallons of oil poison our southern waters, that lady needs to go down.

    Taking this article and blowing it up word by word would be fun but would take too long. Let's just start with the first paragraph.

    "In the midst of one of the most precipitous political crashes in the Mountain West, Sarah Palin made a mad dash into Boise on Friday, urging the election of a man who had plagiarized his campaign speech from Barack Obama, had been rebuked by the military for misusing the Marine uniform and had called the American territory of Puerto Rico a separate country."

    Joe Biden infamously plagiarized a speech and has been praised by every Democrat in the country. He still was nominated by Obama for Vice-President.

    Richard Blumenthal has been rebuked for misusing the Marine uniform and still is being praised by Democrats. The White House is standing behind him.

    Janet Napolitano just recently called the Gulf of Mexico an ocean. She is still being praised by Obama and all the Democrats. And let us not forget Obama telling everyone that had visited all 57 states (maybe he was counting Puerto Rico).

    I would expect Egan to celebrate those qualities in the Idaho candidate. Maybe the guy was just trying to be more like a Democrat. But no, when a Republican endorses candidates who have done things exactly the same as Democrats, their death knell is sounding.

    And this nugget by Egan is just to rich to pass on.
    "Of late, whenever a candidate with the Palin blessing blows up, she blames it on the “lamestream media,” not personal responsibility." As opposed to the Democratic excuse machine following Obama's strike out when trying to get the Olympics, Obama's failure to help secure Kennedy's senate seat, the governor's seat in Virginia and New Jersey, or the open House seat his own home district in Hawaii.

    It is possible I need to read more between the lines. Egan brings up the Rasmussen poll that says 50% of Alaskans have an unfavorable view of Sarah Palin and a plurality of her fellow Alaskans would not vote for her for president. That might be true but those numbers are good compared to the Rasmussen poll numbers for Obama. Maybe what Egan is trying to say is that the end for Obama is near - and not a moment too soon.

  2. Fine, we won't accept the analysis of Timothy Egan. Or the polls of Alaskans. Instead, let's recall what the former Republican Governor of Alaska, Walter Hickel, said about her before he died: "A valedictory, of sorts, was sounded on Palin by Walter Hickel, the former governor and dean of Alaska Republicans, who died this month. Though he backed Palin for governor in 2006, by 2009 he was disgusted with her, particularly how she went running after the ephemera of celebrity.

    'She fell in love with the national spotlight and lost her ethical compass,' Hickel said in one of his final interviews."

    However, the Tea Partiers have a simple formula: If a Republican doesn't love and bow down before Palin, he/she is not really a Republican and might as well be sleeping with Obama.

  3. More proof positive that "the end of Palin is near." Slam dunk evidence that her reign of terror is over. A former supporter of Palin has gone on record as saying he doesn't like her anymore. Stop the presses. Interrupt regularly scheduled programs with this breaking news. Here is the proof we've been waiting for.

    I wonder how many Obama supporters have switched allegiance after seeing him in action for the last 19 months? Would that prove to you that Obama's end is near?

    And of course your conclusion is absurd. I haven't a clue how a person of your intelligence could say something as ridiculous as this. Palin sings from the Tea Party hymnal. She is a nobody in the party.

    Your response still doesn't address Obama's support after Biden's plagiarism, Obama's support after Blumenthal's misuse of the Marine uniform, or Obama's support after Napalitano's stupidity. Those three things were proof positive for declaring Palin dead politically. Why can't the same case be made for Obama?

    Your obsession with Palin is both frightening and comical. Please assure your readers you aren't moving to Wasilla to rent the house next door to pursue this obsession.

  4. "I wonder how many Obama supporters have switched allegiance after seeing him in action for the last 19 months? Would that prove to you that Obama's end is near?" There are some on the far left upset about Afghanistan and the drones, but no one in the mainstream Dem party saying that he "fell in love with the national spotlight and lost [his] ethical compass."

    "Your response still doesn't address Obama's support after Biden's plagiarism,"

    Biden didn't plagiarize Palin, Beck, or Lumbaugh and he didn't paragraph several paragraphs.

    "Obama's support after Blumenthal's misuse of the Marine uniform,"

    The military rebuked your guy. That hasn't happened to Blumenthal as far as I know.

    "or Obama's support after Napalitano's stupidity."

    Calling the Gulf of Mexico an "ocean" doesn't strike me as all that off the mark. In fact, if someone had told me that the Gulf was part of an ocean, I'd've been okay with that. However, not knowing that Puerto Rico is a territory and then NOT CARING, seems . . . odd.

    "Those three things were proof positive for declaring Palin dead politically. Why can't the same case be made for Obama?"

    You found three pale analogies from three separate people. Your guy had all three and Palin supported him anyway. And while Obama is the President having to take responsibility for a country facing serious difficulties and therefore should expect some dip in his polls, Palin is just a bloviator with no responsibility and yet she's still lost favor with her own people. Obama . . . still hot among Dems. I love the guy.
