Thursday, February 9, 2012

Chill vs. Frenetic Doctors

A former student of mine is now a first-year medical student trying hard to maintain a balanced life.  How?  By not giving into a "study frenzy."    This is a good idea!

Study frenzy makes people frenetic which is not a good temperament for a doctor.  I like my doc to be chill. 

Doc: "Greg, dude, gotta bust out the running shoes now and then.  Ya feel me?" 

Me: "Yeah, Doc." 

Doc: "You know, like, dia-freakin'-betes, du'.  Not cool.  Die early and shit." 

Me: "Yeah, thanks for the heads-up . . .  for like the gazillionth time, Doc." 

Doc: "Yo, chill.  I'm just sayin'."

Me:  "S'cool.  I know you got my back." 

Doc:  "Speakin' of getting your back.  Time for the old man checkup."

Instead, it might have gone like this:

Doctor:  Mr. Monfils, you're risking diabetes if you don't exercise strenuously 45 minutes, at least!, each day.

Me:  Yes, I know, Doctor.  I recall your warning last year.

Doctor:  And the warning still applies . . . except, of course, I offer it with greater urgency as you continue to age.

Me:  Thanks, Doctor.

Doctor:  No need to thank me.  Now, drop your trousers and turn around so I can check for prostrate cancer.   Still eating red meat?

You see, that's a doctor who was frenzied in med school.  Fortunately, I'm not easily frightened.  Perhaps I should be.   But a chill doc would be more successful getting me to exercise.  Mos def. 

So to my former student I say, "Chill" and be a humane, sensitive doctor not a harbinger of doom.

(My actual doctor . . . is great!)  

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