Saturday, March 19, 2011

I Know the She's

Was rockin' my dark blue tee with the reindeer that loves the She's today and the barrista making my cappucino says, "Oh, man, the She's ROCK!"

I asked her if I rock, too, since I'm wearing the She's tee.

She hesitated and then said, "Uh, yeah-uh!"

But the hesitation spoke the truth and it said, "Sadly . . . no."

So I said, "Your hesitation spoke volumes and it said, 'Sadly, no, you do not rock. Nothing could make YOU rock.'"

"No, REALLY!" she insisted. "You rock."

"No way I rock," I said, steadfast in my understanding of the communication of hesitation.

She looked at me the way people look when they've been caught . . . in a terrible lie!!!!!!!!

So I pulled out my secret weapon: I said, "I know Sami and Sinclair."

She showed no recognition.

"They're just the bassist/singer and drummer for the She's," I informed her, " . . . and I know them really well. Really, really well. We have a small club. Meets Wednesdays at lunch. You can't be in it."

She tilted her head slightly and looked away.

"Now who rocks?" I queried as I took my cappucino and walked away.


  1. Haaaaahahahaha! Well I think you rock. As does that conversation. For some people I would assume they made alot of that up, but that was such a Greg convo.

  2. Are the multiple exclamation points some sort of subversive sarcasm or needling at your antagonist? I remember duplicate punctuation as one of your pet peeves and even listed on your top 20 never evers in writing distributed the first day of class, nice to get a dose of greg.

  3. I never objected to multiple punctuation for colloquial fun.

    Nice to hear from you. Kinda'


  4. You crack me up. You are just a 16-year old The Shes groupie in the body of a post 50-year old guy. I like that. You rock. So do The Shes.
